Thinking For Tuesday's Fan Box

Friday, 27 April 2007

Studio Time

Well we are booked (hopefully) into The Dugout Studios in Fareham for the end of May to get a CD made. Its going to be intense but fun. Its a 3 hour session, for the first hour they get levels then you can record for 2 hours as much as you can play. At the end you take the best tracks and they put them on CD. Its not quite as good as Multi-Track but gives a better impression than just a live Gig recording as you can take your time to get it right and not just play it the once.
In 2 hours we can run our enitre set about 2/3 times but I think we want to make sure we get 3/4 really good ones.

So soon we should have a new demo to show off......

Thursday, 12 April 2007

Another Practice.

Last night was great we worked really hard on playing a few songs from the Set to make sure we still knew what we were doing. Then we worked on a few new songs.
The main one being "Isolation" - very dark I know - but it is great. It started life from a bit of fiddling around and Will actually went away and made some great chords and ideas and came back and said - "Play this". We did. It rocks!
Last night was filling in the harmony and backing vocals parts with the new desk we have (or are about) to buy. Thanks to Mark R for that one.
The trouble we face is volume. We are very loud and energetic but can forget this on stage so we are trying to work out the best volume to play at. (Each venue is different).
We hope to book a few new gigs soon enough, over the weekend we are getting some photos produced by "Corkboard Photography". These will be on the web and the good ones in the press packs (begging letters, please give us a gig).
Hope to see you at a gig soon.

Tuesday, 3 April 2007

Thinking For Tuesday

We are a south coast based band that have been together for about 6/7 months. If you are reading this from the website links then you probably know this already.

At the moment we are into April and have finised our very big run of gigs. They were great fun to do and we all love playing live but its about balance.

We are spending this month writing new songs and tweaking the old ideas. There are some really nice things coming out from the TFT camp so we hope to play them at a gig soon.

We are getting some "promo" photos done in the next few weeks so we can start to get more gigs with our complete press pack. We have a few tracks and a nice little biog so we just want to show off our image, (if we have one!).

These will be avaliable on our web site ( and we will try to keep a this blog up to date with what we do and when.