Thinking For Tuesday's Fan Box

Monday, 27 October 2008

Congratulations Chris

We would just like to say a huge Congrats to Chris who has just gotten himself married. We all wish him well and we can promise that now his wedding duties have been and past, he is now to be put to work in the TFT factory of music....

We have new songs that have been played only a handful of times: Tonight & Answer in a Song.

This was done as an acoustic only release to an intimate crowd recently but don't worry we will make sure that we get a full rocked up version out soon.

Will has written a fab new riff which is currently called "Out Of Control" and is set to be our indulgent number, but we love playing it.

Tom has a new basic idea which is yet to be finished (Step in all the others)

and Karen has a few song ideas floating around that will be getting finished soon.

Well as for Barny and Chris, they have more ideas than we have time for but don't be surprised to hear some drum and bass lead riffs creeping there way in soon as well.......Not that kind of drum and bass.

We have a few gigs coming up and we hope you can make it along to them.

See you all soon