Thinking For Tuesday's Fan Box

Saturday 26 April 2008

Blogging in the Sunshine and GIG WITH SENSER!!

Well as it's such a beautiful day I thought "why not blog in the sunshine? Why stay inside like a strange hermit who is only brought out to play amazing drum solos and then put back in his cave" So I have been allowed outside....within the confines of the garden - don't worry, 6ft security fences, rotating armed patrols and snipers towers means I won't be a danger to society - I have to stop watching Alias!.

Anyway I have managed to connect 3 x 5metre extension leads together and then the laptop charger, connected to the laptop, to enable me to blog in the comfiness that is my new set of garden furniture in the blazing sunshine. It's true that only a true Brit could say "wow, let's strip down to bare essential clothing (only by public demand of course!) and sit in the gorgeous 18 degrees weather" when other climates perceive these kind of temperatures as close to Arctic conditions!

Wow, I don't half prattle on!

Well I've just had possibly the most excited phone call EVER from Monsieur Langston who was informing me that "by the way was I busy on June 13th because if I was then can I kindly cancel it and wee myself with pleasure as we have just been asked to support SENSER ( - an amazing signed band who hit #4 in the UK album charts in 1995 and who were quite the sensation around the same time RATM were hitting the US!) at the TALKING HEADS! This is all the information I have been given however there's no way we are going to turn down this kind of opportunity - I've been re-listening to the old Senser albums (and the new one they have out now) so I'm well prepared for when we finally support them. I'm super-duper-wooper-a-little-bit-pooper excited although it's going to be a mass push when it gets close to it as TFT are taking a breather whilst Tom's goes and gets himself shackled to his lovely missus!

Anyway we'll let you know more details closer to the time but needless to say the rest of the band are uber exciting and we really hope you'll be able to come see us at, what promises to be, the gig of a lifetime.

Other things that are going on at the moment - we are recording some tracks still with Rob from the Solent Uni (thanks very much Rob!), almost all the drum tracks are laid down and next week we'll be concentrating to sort Tom's guitar bits out (not the usual way to record stuff but as he's away from next weekend onwards due to the wedding/honeymoon/sexscapades then we'll need to get our little pert bottoms in gear to sort it out before he heads off.

Anyway, the sun's going in, I've ignored Sarah for a good 30 minutes so will be paying the price soon., SENSER man.........awesome......!

Chris - Out!

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