Thinking For Tuesday's Fan Box

Monday 14 September 2009

Saturday Night High

Hello everyone!

Yes, even though I am at work I am still on a high from Saturday night and would like to say a big thank you to everyone that came down to Talking Heads to support us. Also much appreciation to our new fans who bought our album and helped make up the fantastic audience on the night.

It would seem our newest song 'Wake Me' is making its way up the charts as a potential favourite for a number of people which is always good to hear.

Saturday was a great buzz supporting Them Is Me, who may I add are top lads. We had a brilliant night and would love to do it again in the not too distant future.

Until then we are looking to knuckle down and finish writing a couple more new songs we have not yet completed. Then to our gigs in London...

Looking forward to seeing you all again soon.

Karen & Thinking For Tuesday

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